Welcome to Goethe Books & Media!
We are proud to offer an extensive selection of imported German books and media, catering to readers of all levels.
Our specialty is in the educational field, including a comprehensive range of books from Hueber – renowned for their excellent resources for learning German, such as the popular Momente and Menschen series.
However, we provide a broad range of adult fiction and non-fiction books in German – ensuring there is something for everyone. Whether you find yourself at the beginning of your language journey into, are a native German-speaker, or are working as an educator – we have the materials you’re looking for.
Based in Toronto, Ontario, we grant affordable, reliable shipping across Canada.
Looking for advice or specific resources, or have some questions? Contact us today—it would be our pleasure to assist.
We are looking forward to helping you find the materials to help you embark on the next stage of your German journey!